Preperations have began to make TLC gardening a two wheel operation.
The idea originated from my time living in Amsterdam - seeing the Mums and Dads pushing their kids around in the front of their pushies in what to me appeared to be large colourful wooden buckets. I had never seen anything like it, and my Dutch friend explained that new mums can't wait till their babies can hold their heads up independently because thats the first sign that they are ready for their first ride out front!! I can remember just the ride to the super market was a chance to check out the fashions - the bike paths were a promanade for men and women to display their fashion sense - Perhpas it is the helmets - or the fact that we don't officially have bike paths - but it just doesnt look this good in Melbourne ( !!!!!
However for my plans Cargo Cycles here in Melbourne have providing plenty of insiration:
Or as suggested by a friend ...
I have stripped an old mountain bike of its racks and basket and am planning to attach them to a previously owned mountain bike and then purchase a front or back cargo trailor for tools / refuse.
It is the long handled tools that are providing the most problems and the idea of a telescopic rake / broom / shovel have come to mind! But there may be a way. Investigation still to follow. And plenty of food for thought on the web...
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