Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Linda Eldredge on Radio National

Today while listening to the bush Telegraph on Radio National - Linda Eldredge's description of working the land while referencing her apps via her iphone and making the paddock her office got the host and in turn myself very excited.

Although determined not to be online 24/7 and therefore holding off the temptations from my phone company to sign up for an iphone, this interview conjured in me some practical uses for Permaculture Design.

For example. Being able to assess a remote property - anywhere on the globe in fact and reporting back a Permculutre design with the aid of video footage.

Also an accurate assessment of lay of the land, climate patterns and topography, while walking the land with a client.

I think it is early days - this interview will provide some inspiration for those (like myself) who are tech wary!

From the kitchen table to the tablet, Nuffield scholar researches real-time technology - Bush Telegraph - ABC Rural (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

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