Now the front key hole garden has taken shape I have focused my energies on the back spiral garden. It took shape this weekend and I was able to navigate a lot of the roses to find a path way that would give me access and at the same time nurture what is already planted.
After finishing the initial spiral I stood at the front of the garden - under the plum tree and knew already that I would be much too tempted to walk through the middle - rather than walking the full length of the spiral in order to do a little weeding or picking.
Then AHA an image dropped in ! The chokurei symbol which I had been inducted into during Reiki 1. Is is absolutely perfect for the garden. It allows a long spiral path for meditative walk and instant access to the center - or right across to the top of spiral near the olive.
I am absolutely thrilled with using this healing symbol and maintaining a functional space.
An example of a Chokurei